Two years after the first exhibition of works by Monika Falkus at Szara Gallery as part of WGW in 2021, the artist and the curator ask what has changed since then. The place of residence, the relationship status, the hair colour, the depth of perception – that’s for sure, but what about art?
The artist’s primary medium of expression is still a combination of painting and video.
The body remains an essential theme in her art. The body is a canvas, a means of conveying symbols, a pretext for storytelling, an objective of love, a cause of jealousy, and a space where a person can experience the extremes – both pain and pleasure.
The fairy tales which served as a starting point for the artist two years ago have already been told, the curtains have fallen, and what has remained is just real life. The innocent princesses shed their frills and flounces – or they were brutally stripped off. Sleeping Beauty was awakened, Leda was violated, and Eve was mutilated.
What kind of story will resonate with us this time?
The latest exhibition by Monika Falkus talks about time which passes in silence. About the unspoken words which stay here forever. About the touch and gestures which are never unambiguous.
More information about the artist on the website.
Title: Deflowered Petals
Artist: Monika Falkus
Artist: Monika Falkus
Curator: Joanna Rzepka
Address: Galeria SZARA, Bracka 23/28, WARSZAWA
Opening as a part of Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2023:
Opening as a part of Warsaw Gallery Weekend 2023:
28.09–01.10, 11:00–19:00
Exhibition: 28.06–4.11.2023
Opening hours: Tue–Sat, 1 pm–6 pm